We have been sucking the blood out of our planet and suffocating it with the effluence.
Globalization is a global network powered by oil.
Since we began using fossil fuels in the 1800s our global climate has begun to stir, shift and change. Our climate is turning into a wild angry monster reacting to our incessant poisoning of our life support system – spaceship earth. We have been pumping oil into our machines and the effluence from them has been slowly changing our climate. We are like frogs in boiling water slowly bringing about our demise through our everyday acts in our industrial civilization.
So many individuals have a vested interest in keeping the oil flowing from the veins of the Earth. There has been so much dis-information spouted by those who profiteer from the fossil fuel industry.
GB news is owned and funded by Legatum and Sir Paul Marshall who are heavily invested in the oil industry. They constantly spout disinformation on climate change with the intent on creating mistrust in those who are progressive and seek a healthy alternative to oil and gas.
We are in a constant tug of war between the greedy money hoarders and progressives who want to see a safe, clean and healthy environment for many generations to come. Industrial civilization is a well oiled machine that is reliant on an endless flow of oil. Where the oil flows the blood flows. Oil producing countries are constantly having their governments replaced with a western backed despot to keep the oil flowing to western shores. Oil fuels terrorists and long protracted battles to seize the much needed oil supplies to keep the mighty industrial nations wheels of industries turning. The straws are still sucking the Earths blood from its depths and the lifeblood of western civilization keeps the blood flowing in the Middle East.
Too many members of the elite class will lose their lifestyles if we curb oil usage. The lives less valuable will have to suffer as the elites have one life and they are living it and the consequences are of none of their concerns. They will be long dead before the effects affect them and their opulent lifestyles. Oil has created heaven on Earth for a few and Hell for the many who will live through its after effects as the climate stirs, shakes and bellows its fiery heat on the rest of us with its erratic weather patterns, crop losses and uninhabitable lands with the endless refugees sailing en-masse towards the western Elysium.
If we don’t act now then who will? The Pharaohs atop of their pyramids may make a few gestures of goodwill to appease the people but this is just PR spin with little to no sacrifice or effort on their behalf. They will fly on their private jets and sit in their yachts and sip champagne as the world burns.
“America is addicted to oil” – George Bush
“To break our addiction to oil is one of the greatest challenges that our generation will have to Master”
Barack Obama